For Immediate Release

15 January, 2019


Cleaning up in more ways than one!

Vision Tactical has been at the forefront of private security and protection services around Johannesburg since its launch in 2014. With the dawn of a new year, filled with renewed opportunities, Vision Tactical is proud to launch its latest operation – the Green Team! 

The Green Team is a vision in execution. Vision Tactical’s way of further enhancing the suburbs it serves. Bringing in a team of passionate individuals to clean up and strive towards litter free surroundings. The operation creates job opportunities for the unemployed and provides these individuals with a sustainable source of income. 

“It’s not just about cleaning our public spaces every Mandela Day… we need to make every day a Mandela Day and continuously strive to keep our suburbs clean’,  said Yaseen Theba, Director of Vision Tactical. The aim of the Green Team is to build an unpolluted and safe environment, while driving sustainable social change, Theba added. 

Look out for the members of the Green Team who are truly dedicated to the preservation of our environment – you will recognise them by their green overalls and friendly smiles! The team is equipped with sufficient tools and gear to effectively clean up the area. 

The Green Team initiative has been put into motion as a result of an incredible collaboration with Freeway Toyota, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, ER24, AL’s Hardware among others and is associated with the Lower Houghton Residents Association and the Killarney Residents Association.

Eleanor Huggett, Councillor for Ward 73 has pledged her support for the Green Team, and will engage with the members & partners of the initiative so that the Green Team can benefit the community at large. Liziwe Ntshinga-Makoro, the director of Region E has also commended the initiative. 

“The Nelson Mandela Foundation, is pleased that the Houghton Community is building awareness and making good efforts to keeping a clean and safe community that is caring’, said Yase Godlo, the Manager of Mandela Day and Outreach for The Nelson Mandela Foundation.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”, said Ridwaan Laher, the CEO of the Freeway Group” We are proud to contribute to the Green Team and challenge other corporates to also pledge their support, he added. 

The Green Team – Keeping it clean…

Call the dedicated line on : 065 1 333 333

Web :

On twitter: @VTacGreenTeam



Media Enquiries: 

Yaseen Theba

+27 64 400 0000

8 replies
  1. Prem Byjnal
    Prem Byjnal says:

    What a great initiative.

    We appreciate any and all efforts to curb crime and to clean up our communities.

    Wishing you all well in your initiatives.


    Kelvin Resident and Sandton CPF Member

  2. Sasha Bongani
    Sasha Bongani says:

    I see the green team as a team that do great work, l would also like to be part of the team so we may work togethe and strive to create a good image for our organization

  3. Thomas nkuna
    Thomas nkuna says:

    How can I join the green team? Because I’m wishing myself to be part of them even to work with them as a team. And also thank you guys for the job that your doing


Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. […] Settlement. A HUGE THANKS to the volunteers and supporters of this project as well as to the VTAC Green Team for transporting […]

  2. […] and her team joined forces with Pick n Pay Stonehill Crossing, Albany Bread, Bartlet Eggs and the VTAC Green Team to feed 750 children at Solwazi Primary School in Orange Farm. Thank you to Albany Bread for the […]

  3. […] Constantinides and her team joined forces with Pick n Pay Stonehill Crossing, Bartlet Eggs and the VTAC Green Team to feed 750 children at Solwazi Primary School in Orange Farm. Thank you to Bartlet Eggs for […]

  4. […] the last week of heritage and arbour months, Vision Tactical and their VTac Green Team planted five fruit trees at Houghton Primary School together with Generation Earth. Ten Grade 7 […]

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