VTAC Green Team Assist The Miles of Smiles Organisation Plant ‘Evertrees’ in Melrose

Vision Tactical Green Team – 

Private Security Company Vision Tactical’s enviro-initiative joined forces with the Miles of Smiles Organisation to plant ‘evertrees’ at the James and Ethel Grey Park in Melrose, Johannesburg on Sunday.

Plantations of trees is important as they improve the life and fulfill essential needs of those who depend on the environment.

Moreover, trees support life by providing habitat to different species of animals.

The initiative also aimed to raise awareness about sustainable ways to dispose waste created at home.

One of the organisers, Zaheera Sibda Laher says that most people don’t think too much about the garbage they produce every day.

“There is an “out of sight, out of mind” attitude towards garbage as soon as it reaches the garbage bin. At the community level, a similar attitude is found. Waste management is an issue that doesn’t make the agenda until it reaches a crisis level.”

Laher adds that with the way things are going, community’s will suddenly find it has too much garbage and seemingly nowhere to put it.

“Of course, the waste industry tell us that there always will be some place to put it, but the solution is that we need to produce less garbage.”

Laher affirmed that the community needs to implement public space recycling programs which will help boost recycling rates and the recycling industry.

Media Enquiries:

Mohamed Ameen Dabhelia – 074 772 333 3

Email: comms@visiontactical.co.za




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