Tag Archive for: Houghton

Road Safety and Preventing Smash-and-Grab

Introduction and Definition Crime and criminal activity require…

Vision Tactical Launches Mobile Command Unit 

The Mobile Command Unit, which is a high-tech SUV with satellite,…


Check Your Smoke Alarms Working smoke alarms reduce the…

Providing safe return from airport

The Star Page 5 - 23rd May 2017 THE RISE in crimes committed…

Fight fire with fire, Mbalula tells the police

Pretoria - New Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula urged members…

Struggle Veteran Ahmed Kathrada Funeral

Uncle Kathy’s triumph over discrimination & his struggle…

‘Soft drink’ bribe lands taxi driver in jail

Cape Town – A reckless taxi driver who offered a policeman…

Chocolate thieves nabbed

KILLARNEY – Two suspects arrested following recovery of a hijacked…

White Merc gang on the prowl

Johannesburg - A gang using a white Mercedes-Benz have been targeting…